Saturday 29 October 2016

All Comment posts

Theme 1
I really like the way how you interpret the theories from different perspectives, especially you mentioned Kant's interpretation is challenging the traditional way of thinking the world around us. I think it would be more interesting if you can give some examples on this explanation.

I found your interpretation of the concept interesting, and it is easier to understand since you combine the theory with examples and video. Also, you pointed out as a journalist, you disagreed with what "knowledge is perception", for all the statements are backed up by facts. This idea gives me more insight on how to look things from different perspectives. 

I really enjoy reading your interpretation of the theory, which is interesting and propounding. Though it would be much more interesting if you can add more examples on the statement saying that our cognition has to be conformed to objects which may lead us to wrong in understand. 

The interpretation you gave from Kant and Plato's theory is quite intriguing. I agree with the statement you mentioned in the blog " In order to gain the knowledge, we should prove theory and assumption against our observation". Also, you provided other interesting point on how to conform to our cognitive assumption.

I enjoy reading your blog as you provided many examples on how to interpret the theory from different perspectives. Also, you give a clear explanation on the statement "knowledge is earned by experience". Also, nothing is proved until the ideal state remains as the posteriori knowledge.

Honestly, I feel the same confusion after reading these two texts. However, your blog provides a brief introduction on interpreting the theories from different ways which I find it interesting.

Theme 2
I like how you explain that there is no simple or easy explanation on how a theory should be. Also, the way you interpret the the benefits and limitations of the theory give me more propounding insight on how to explain the concept better.

You gave a quite intriguing explanation on the different concepts which I find it interesting. After reading your interpretation on different theories, it makes me understand more on the concept.

I really like your detailed and propounding explanation on different concepts in the blog, especially you mentioned "superstructure" and "substructure" are directly connected to each other, which provides me more idea on this concept.

It is really useful that you give such detailed and insightful explanation on each concept in your blog which gives me more insightful opinions on each theory. Also, you pointed out "myth is one form of knowledge" which I find it interesting.

I enjoy reading your post as you gave such interesting and insightful explanation on how to interpret different concepts. I was quite confused the concept of aura in the text, now I finally get the clear picture of it because of your interpretation.

Theme 3
Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog. You gave such detailed and interesting explanation on interpreting the concepts, especially the statement on explanation and prediction theory (EP).

Hi, thanks for the informative and interesting blog post! I really enjoy reading it and you provided some insightful explanation on the EP theory. Also, the concept of non-theory is quite intriguing as well. I realized that even hypothesis and predictions are not included as a strong theory.

I like how you interpret the concept from different concepts which makes me think of the theory more. It is intriguing that you provide such creative answered to the questions. I really learned a lot from reading your post.

I totally agree with your opening statement "theory has always been a struggle to define". I feel the same way when reading the texts. Your post provides the insightful viewpoints which give me much more understanding on the concept. However, I would love to see how you explain the concept of putting the theory into practice use.

Hi, I really enjoy reading your post. You provided the detailed and well-organized structure of the different concepts. I learned a lot from reading your post, especially the part of giving the explanation of social capital.

Theme 4
Hi! Thanks for the insightful reflection, I really enjoy reading it. The concepts of quantitative and qualitative methods are not easy to understand without having a seminar. Also, you made a clear point here : quantitative method might be objective to collect the data. I would like to know how researchers solve the problem of quantitative methods up to now.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection. I do agree with your point, it's not an easy task to conduct the quantitative method on the research, especially the result can lead to the biased one. However, you did make a good point here: there are some limitations on doing the research and there's ways to improve to reflect on the problem.

Hi, thanks for the amazing reflection, I really enjoy reading it. It is quite interesting that you point out that sometimes it is needed to combine both quantitative and qualitative methods altogether to make the convincing viewpoints. 
Also, I like your idea on reflecting the approaches on how to utilize the qualitative methods, which I learned some inspirations from it.

Thanks for the interesting opinions on it! I really like reading your reflection, which gives me a brief understanding of how the quantitative methods work on the research. I agreed that one thing is essential on conducting the experiment: all the data are collected in the same framework. You mentioned that it is crucial to treat all the participants the same situation otherwise you won't get the valid result. 


Thanks for the interesting reflection, I learned a lot from reading your post. It seems that you put a lot of efforts on explaining the quantitative methods, which give me insightful understanding on this approach on conducting the experiment.
You made an interesting point on the research: why Caucasians specifically are chosen to participate in the experiment? I had the same doubt in the lecture as well. And you gave a reasonable explanation, it's easier to recruit. However, I think the result will be more valid if the researcher can get more participants from different nationalities. 

Theme 5
Hi! I enjoy reading your reflection. It seems that you put lots of effort into structuring the post. Well done!
Also, I have no idea what's the difference between empirical data and design driven research at first as well. 
It's interesting that we discussed the possibility of "replicability" the research. Some people think it's doable while others think the data will change a bit. The teacher at the seminar mentioned that replicability may have been the foundation of research in hard sciences before, but that it isn’t the case anymore. I wonder if people will do a research related to this field in the future.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection. To elaborate on your viewpoints regarding the "ground theory", I think it's the concept related to an inductive methodology. Although many people call "grounded theory" a qualitative method, it is not. It is a general method and also the systematic generation of theory from systematic research. It is a set of rigorous research procedures leading to the emergence of conceptual categories. 

Hi, thanks for the interesting and informative reflection. I enjoy reading it a lot. 
You made a point that design research is not a supportive element; instead, it's the essense of a research. I agreed that what you mentioned replicability without resulting in new knowledge is sheer meaningless.

Thanks for the interesting reflection! I agreed with your point on whether practical design work in itself can be viewed as a knowledge contribution, the chances are possible to produce. However, the teacher mentioned that the result of the design oriented research can be a tricky problem, which is not a subjective result. How to improve the performance of the research remains an issue to solve it.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection! To elaborate on your thoughts on the opposite of the empirical data, I personally believe empirical evidence is a provable fact that shows unquestionable results. It is also the observable proof that knowledge was gained by data, rather than hypothesis, or conjecture. 
On the other hand, the opposite of empirical are indeed more like hypothetical, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unobserved data to collect. Anecdotal evidence is evidence that is usually a generalization or is not able to be proven.

Theme 6
Hi, thanks for the informative post! It's quite interesting to know you bring up the topic of social desirability bias, I personally think social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes a type of response bias that is the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others. Also, it can take the from of over-reporting "good behavior" or under-reporting "bad", or undesirable behavior. However, people often report inaccurately on sensitive topic in order to present themselves in the possible results. The reason can due to both self-deception and other-deception.

Hi, thanks for the interesting post! I agreed that to clarify the definition is not an easy task, either. You mentioned that a case study is more like a research focusing on the deeper knowledge. However, I do think that a case study is more like a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Also, researchers collect data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of record, and collections of writing samples.

Hi, thanks for the thoughtful and interesting post! Your viewpoint on the post conveys the interesting idea on "case study", which I find it intriguing, especially you explains the terminologies regarding multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. However, I think that a transdisciplinary approach is recommended for all early intervention and support services to service delivery, which moves instruction beyond just blending disciplines. This approach links concepts and skills through a real-world perspective.

Hi, thanks for the informative post! I like your explanation of case study which gives some in-depth knowledge perspective related to some key themes. Indeed, case study is more like a research approach that is used to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-life context. It is an established research design that is used extensively in a wide variety of disciplines, particularly in the social sciences.

Hi, thanks for the informative post and nice summary of the theme. I found it difficult to explain the definition of "case study" in a few words. However, you explained the definition in a clear and easy way to understand, well done! However, I also think that a case study is more related to research strategy entailing. Although case study methods remain a controversial approach to data collection, they are widely recognized in many social science studies such as the in-depth explanations of a social behavior.

Friday 28 October 2016


Looking back, I really learned a lot from the course, especially gaining a deeper understanding on how to conduct a qualitative, quantitative and case studies research. Regardless of the subject of our study, there are two types of research to choose from: qualitative and quantitative. However, how much do we know about the area of research and respondents determine which research is suitable for us.

Qualitative research is to define the problem or develop an approach to the problem. By definition, qualitative research is used when we don’t know what to expect and also dig deeper into issues to the problem, which is primarily exploratory research and uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Common data collection methods include groups discussion, interviews, uninterrupted observation, and ethnographic participation. Qualitative research collection results vary by using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. 

Quantitative research is conclusive as it tries to quantify a problem and clarify the prevalent issues by looking for projectable results to a larger population. By generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics, quantitative research is used to quantify the problem. In research, quantitative method uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns to do data collection. The purpose of using the method is to generalized the result in order to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables factors. When it comes to structure, quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than qualitative data collection methods. Common data collection includes survey, audits, and click-streams, systematic observations, online polls and website interceptors. 

Both qualitative and quantitative research provides different perspectives on the research. Quantitative research deals with numbers, logic and an objective stance, which is “explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed mathematically based methods with particular statistics. However, qualitative research seeks to answer questions about why and how people behave in the way that they do, which provides in-depth information about human behavior. I personally agree that quantitative research is perhaps easier to define and identify. Basically, the data produced are always numerical and involved with mathematical and statistical methods. It there are no numbers appeared, then it’s definitely not quantitative research. 

At the natural sciences or social sciences field, quantitative research is one of the essential methods if the researchers intend to use the statistical, mathematical or computational techniques to acquire the systematic empirical investigation. The process of measurement provides the crucial connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships.

Also, quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through poll and questionnaires. There are a wide range of statistical techniques to analyze quantitative data, including from simple graphs to show the data through tests of correlations between two or more items to statistical the significance. On the other hand, cluster analysis, and hypothesis testing are useful for identifying relationships between groups of subjects that has no clear hypothesis. 

Qualitative research, in short words, does not involve numbers or numerical data during the research. It often has words or language coming with the use of pictures, photographs and observations. Almost any phenomenon can be examined in a qualitative way and it provides an in-depth picture for exploring how and why things have happened for the problem to the research. 

However, there are some disadvantages of using the qualitative research. The most common one is if respondents do not see a value for them in the research, they may provide inaccurate or false information. They may also say what they think the research wishes to know and therefore qualitative researchers need to take the time to build relationships with their research subjects and be aware of the potential problem. The second pita is there may be some difficulties with qualitative research because the researcher may not be put confidential information though ethics are an issue for any type of research. However, some people argue that it is more difficult to analyzing qualitative data. Most qualitative data are drawn from a wide variety of sources, which can be radically different in scope. There are a wide variety of methods to analyzing the data collection. 

What's the difference between the case study and qualitative methods?
Case study is one level above than the methods, not necessary to generalize like quantitative method.

It's the some concept that we understand its value.

Monday 17 October 2016

Comments of Theme 5






Theme 6: Qualitative and Case Study Research

During today's lecture, the teacher explained the research based on "A car-free year project"which explores sustainable transportation practices through a qualitative study. There are several qualitative method used in the research, including conducting the interviews, making the observations and doing the case study. However, whether it is a case study remains the controversial topic because of its ambiguity. Personally, I think the research counts as the case study qualitative method. "How can people live without the car?" is the first question popping up people's mind when doing the experiment. This is the question that we cannot answer right away or give a definite answer within seconds. It is something you don't understand well enough and need to formulate the research question to define the case study, not to answer the question but to come up with the question to do the research.

From the interview part, the research is based on the monthly interviews with the families combined with aberrations. There are six elements of social practices including infrastructure, products&services, norms&policies, knowledge&skills&values to analyze. However, the challenging part in the research is difficult to anonymize data of few participants when the project is public.

The result of the research is based on three essential concepts: to increase understanding of car-free transportation practices, to convey the important design considerations for supporting sustainable transportation and to design concepts and input from other stakeholders.

Furthermore, we also discussed three disciplinary research concepts during the lecture: interdisciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multidisciplinary research. I think the research is based on the multidisciplinary method which combines and involved several academic disciplines or professional specializations in an approach to a topic or problem. In short, a multidisciplinary approach involves drawing appropriately from multiple disciplines to redefine problems outside normal boundaries and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations.

The paper I have chosen from is A Case Study on Integrating Social Media in an Online Graduate Youth Development Course from MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching with an impact factor 1.68. The case study examines the theoretical underpinnings, process, and results of an online course for youth development professionals, and specifically describes a web-based instructional activity involving the use of social media. A qualitative case study methodology was utilized for the research. A qualitative case study allows for exploration of a specific phenomenon using a variety of data sources, including both qualitative and quantitative data. A case study methodology is completely explorative. which has no hypotheses and with a major limitation for generalizability. However, the benefit of qualitative inquiry is that it allows for deeper understanding of a phenomenon, enabling the essence of the experience to be tested.

In the study, researchers tried to find out about the quality of the social media assignment for an online graduate course in youth development and its impact on the learners. First of all, a detailed description of the course is offered, followed by course evaluation analysis and lessons learned. Data were collected through interviews, a course reflection paper, and open-ended survey questions. The provided case study showcased a social media project that facilitated student connectedness and enabled students studying youth development professionalism to increase their content knowledge and social media skills. Even though some students identified certain challenges related to technology and teamwork, the overall result was positive.

The benefits of case study is that it allows the authors to identify unique result which can help in the development and refinement of future social media projects. Theory-building researchers typically combine multiple data collection methods. While interviews, observations, and archival sources are particularly common.

Friday 7 October 2016

Theme 5: Design Research (second post)

In the first paper, the observation of the children, looking at their behavior. In the second paper, the outcome of the research, the researchers collect the data in the beginning. 

Design intentions shows a clear intention to solve the specific problem and is more precise. From scientific design, we have to write down everything we gain from the result, do documents and trace back to every record to make sure no errors happened from the experiments. However, we don't have the solutions and visions at first to get the research.

Is research in tech domains such as these ever replicable? How may we account for aspects such as time/historical setting, skills of the designers, available tools, etc?

Depends on the situation, every setting varies as the experiment target gets adapted to the environment. 
Not replicable at all, the number and data will be difficult to make if we want to do the same experiment from different perspective. The researchers need to modified if they need to replicate the experiment from different way.
Social media technology has changed so incredibly quickly. 

Is it possible, the replicability is extremely important in the hard science. In social science, the point of replicability is not the same outcome compared to the hard science. Not everyone sharing the same experiences when making the same experiment. Cultural and social difference can vary from different targets. We need to think through the issue, an unquestioned topic of replicability ground-shaking theory of replicability in psychological research. When it comes to the ground fact, it is important to know the definition of replicability. As the cultural phenomenon, the result is not replicable. Every research is influenced in this regard.

Design driven research is “try and error” which has to be tested more while the normal research is much more structured and well-organized. 

There are three processes of doing the design research: studying interaction, implementing/ testing and design/judgment. In the methods from behavior science, we need to conduct the questionnaires, observations, interviews, video analysis and lab/field studies. In the engineering methods, developing and testing technical solutions are essential for interactive settings. At last, regarding the design/ judgment, interaction criticism, research through design and studying design practice are extremely crucial core concepts during the research. 

In the interactive system. we have to focus on human aspects, design practices, design methods, usability and experience and real use practices. However, we cannot neglect the importance of human aspects with implications for design such as cognitive abilities, culture, emotions, physical bodies, and social behavior. Also, investigations into different ways that usability and user experience can understood and evaluated. Methods focusing on two ways: Measuring, e.g. controlled experiments, observations, interviews, questionnaires, diaries, and sensors. The other is interpreting, e.g. Interaction criticism, grounding in humanities and cultural studies such as expert reviews of interactive products.

There are some ways regarding the design as approach to research: constructive actives as core method of investigation, and materialization with a focus on materiality and the technological circumstances regarding how it affects gestalt, interaction and user activity. Design work and research is tied to historical, local, and specific contexts. The last one is disciplinary which grounds and feeds back to, extending the theory specific to the field of interaction design. 

Theme 6: Qualitative and case study research (first post)

Qualitative Research is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations which provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. There are a wide variety of methods which are common in qualitative measurement. The paper I choose is based on the case studies approach. A case study is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context.

In the past, authors have developed theory by combing observations from previous literature, common sense and experience. Nevertheless, the connection to a actual data has often been weak.

There are seven steps in the process of building theory from case study research: getting started, selecting cases, crafting instruments, entering the field, analyzing data, shaping hypotheses, enfolding literature, and reaching closure.

The case study is a research strategy which focuses on understanding the dynamics present within single settings. Case studies can involve either single or multiple cases, and numerous levels of analysis. Also, case studies typically combine data collection methods such as archives, interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The evidence may be qualitative (e.g., words), quantitative (e.g., numbers) or both. At last, case studies can be used to accomplish various purposes: to provide description, test theory, or generate theory.

The benefits of qualitative method on case study is that case studies allow a to of detail to be collected that would not normally be easily obtained by other research designs. The data collected is normally a lot richer and of greater depth than can be found through other experimental designs. Secondly, case studies tend to be conducted on rare cases where large samples of similar participants are not available. Thirdly, case studies can help experimenters adapt ideas and produce novel hypotheses which can be used for later testing.

The limitations of qualitative method on case study is that the data collection cannot be generalized to the wider population. This leads to data being collected over longitudinal case studies, not always being relevant or particularly useful. Furthermore, case studies are generally on one person, in other words, there is only one experimenter collecting the data. It can lead to bias on data collection, which can have big influence on the results more than other different designs.

Monday 3 October 2016

Friday 30 September 2016

Theme 5: Design Research (first post)

The design of a study includes the study type such as descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review and meta-analytic. Another aspect is about sub-type like descriptive-longitudinal case study, research questions, hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design and the data collection methods if is applicable. 
Empirical evidence is known as sense experience, which is the knowledge or source acquired by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation. Empirical implies that the information is based on experience and the data is the information we gather about something. Thus, the information acquired by scientists through experimentation and observation is called "empirical data". To gather the empirical data is an essential part of the scientific process. 
The scientific method involves observing a phenomenon in order to form an idea about what the researchers observed and tested the idea with an experiment to see if it is correct, recording the results of the experiment, which would be analyzed the results to arrive as a conclusion. 
There are two types of method of analyzing the empirical data: qualitative and quantitative. On the one hand, qualitative data is the data that can be categorized based on qualities. This type of data involves descriptions and also be observed without measuring. On the other hand, quantitative data is a measurement to be represented by a numerical value. 
In the first paper "Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space - Fernaeus & Tholander", the empirical data concludes that providing a methodological example of developing a tangible programming space in order to allow children aged from 6-12 to collaboratively create their own dynamic play-words to run on a computer screen. The system has been evaluated through workshop activities in an art gallery addressing how the physical resources were appropriated for developing a sense of a shared and focused activity, including the social play as well as construction of dynamic and interactive systems.

In the second paper "Differentiated Driving Range - Lundström", the empirical data includes an understanding of how driving range information is presented to drivers of electric cars today. In order to conduct a state-of-the-art analysis, the experiments is required to present most of the available electric cars on the home market in the country, including Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi iMiev, Volvo C30 Electic, Renault Kangoo Z.E, and Renault Twizy. The experiment is involved looking up available online information regarding the user interfaces in different car models, as given in online descriptions by companies. 

Friday 23 September 2016

Theme 4: Quantitative Research (second post)

Quantitative Research methods depend on numerical measurements which involve asking participants directly using questionnaires, measuring using electronic equipment, and utilizing the observation under controlled conditions. In order to interpret the results, the researchers make user of statistical tests. Take hypothesis testing experiment for instance: firstly, we need to formulate a hypothesis. Secondly, we have to select a sample population for whom to test it. Then carefully design an experiment from which we will gather data; in other words, gather data in another manner like the existing data. After that, we pilot the experiment, as many times as necessary to refine its design for its iterative design process. At last, conduct and analyze the experiment to follow the plan closely.

Be aware of the controlled experiment is the most important part in the quantitative research. There are two methods to do under carefully controlled conditions: we may need to manipulate an independent variable or many results. And we have to observe how dependent variables vary as a result. However, we cannot neglect the fact that measures are often used in combination. While many experiments have a single dependent variable test, in a single statistical test it is much more common that the experiment is more complicated with many independent variables and other dependent ones. Then we conclude the answer that the answer does not depend on the test rather building a logical argument in order to support the several tests.

The function of using the questionnaire have several disciplines:there are numerous tests and experiments to ensure the indeed answer that the question was intended for before a questionnaire is regarded as "valid" in the experimental psychology. The researchers do not just make up their own questionnaires towards answering the hypotheses at hand. Instead, they use the standard ones, which have already been tested before.

We could also summarize that a hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between data sets. This is compared to be an alternative to a null hypothesis, of no relationship between the data sets. Therefore, the comparison is statistically significant if the relationship would be an unlikely realization of the null hypothesis, based on a threshold probability from the significant level. Hypothesis tests are used to determine the outcomes of a study, which leads to a rejection of the null hypothesis for a pre-specified level of significance.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Theme 4: Quantitative research (the first post)

The benefits of using the quantitative method are:

  • When the survey involves a convenience sample, data can be collected and analyzed fairly and quickly.
  • When the survey involves a statistically valid random sample, the results from the sample can be generalized to the entire population if the response rate is high enough.
  • Surveys can provide reliable or repeatable direction for planning programs and messages
  • Surveys can be anonymous, which is useful for the sensitive topics
  • Similar to the qualitative research methods, surveys can include visual material which can be used to pretest prototypes.
  • The researchers can generalize their findings beyond their participant group.
The limitations of using the quantitative method are:
  • There are limited ability to probe the answers
  • People willing to respond the survey may share the characteristics that don't apply to the main audience as a whole, resulting a potential bias in the study
  • the quantitative method can be costly
The pros of using the qualitative method:
  • Issues and subjects covered can be evaluated in depth and in detail.
  • Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected or guided by research in real time
  • The direction and framework of research can be revised in a short time as soon as the fresh information emerge
  • The data in qualitative research relies on human experience which is more compelling and powerful than data gathered through quantitative research
  • Complexities and subtleties about the subject of the research covered is usually missed by many positive inquiries.
  • With this type of research, the research has a clear vision on what to expect. The researchers can collect the data in a genuine effort of plugging data to bigger, clearer picture.

The cons of using the qualitative method:

  • The quality of research is heavily dependent on the skills of the researcher which can be easily influenced by personal idiosyncrasies and biases of researchers. 
  • Rigidity is more difficult to assess, demonstrate and maintain the data
  • The quantity of data makes interpretation and analysis time-consuming
  • The presence of researcher in the process of data gathering is unavoidable and can therefore affect on influence the responses of subjects.
  • Issues on confidentiality and anonymity can pose problems during presentation of findings
  • Findings can be time-consuming and difficult to present in visual ways.

Theme 3: Research and Theory (the second post)

Theory is a from of practice which is unproven or speculative, in other words, some people even call it "hypothesis." A theory is a set of propositions that aims to identify objects and their relations to each other. An abstract entity that implies to describe, explain, and enhance understanding of the world to provide predictions of what will happen in the future giving a basis for intervention and action. In short, theory is something we build and construct, it does no exist by itself.

The connections between phenomena to explain why, how and under what circumstances acts, events, structures and thoughts is about the concept of theory. Scientific theories are in attempt to describe the causal logic between cause and event. When a theory is tested and accepted by a majority of experts in a specific field, it can be seem as true. If there is already a commonly established theory, it can take a long time to convince people that a new theory is valid and should replace the old theory.

Though there are varied views on what theory is, one specific theory could be more suitable in one context than in another context. Theory can be confirmed or established by observation or experiments which can be supported by diagrams, variables, references and hypotheses. Moreover, theory requires context and logical reasoning, which should be more generalized. Sometimes scientific theories can also be viewed as scientific models, which is a logical framework in attempt to represent the reality, similar to the way that a map is a graphical model that represents the territory of a city or country. In this regard, theories are a specific category of models which fulfill the necessary criteria.

Some people claim that theories whose subject matter consists not in empirical data, but rather in ideas in the realm of philosophical theories as contrasted with scientific theories. Some of the elementary theorems of a philosophical theory are statements whose truth cannot necessarily be scientifically tested through empirical observation

There are five theory types in information systems research: Analysis, Explanation, Prediction, Explanation and prediction(EP) and design and action. The paper I choose is The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’. by Nicole B. Ellison et al (2007) from the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. The study basically examines the relationship between use of Facebook and the formation of social capital. The paper explores a dimension that assesses one's ability to stay connected with members online, which explains a strong association between use of Facebook being to bridging social capital. However, the paper only addresses the problem without providing the insightful method to solve the problem.

Monday 19 September 2016

Comments of Theme 1 (Theory of knowledge and theory of science)







Theme 2: Critical Media Studies ( the second post)

During the lecture, we examined the definition of the Enlightenment implying behind it. "The promise of the Enlightenment did not deliver as it promises." Ironically, the majority of people were unable to handle the broken promise of the Enlightenment. The Renaissance and Enlightenment movement took place in the 18th Century, which the ruling monarchies, in other words, the governments, had more power and control over the laws of nature. This kind of movement came from a operating method called "control, precision, and certainly" with the means of deduct reasoning.

On the other hand, some philosophers argued that "it was not a science that emphasized understanding, balance or harmony with universal forces and principles in order to work harmoniously with a nature to discover its intrinsic or essential values as a platform from which to operate." With this claim, there was no clear objects towards the involvement of the universe, culture, or the society in a whole. However, the regard is the total opposite to the fact during that time. It was a War against Nature.

There is a transition process: first of all, myth is to erase the unknown Nemesis, then the Enlightenment is to de-mystify the world. Observe regularity is for the human intervention impossible. Second, there are some distinct difference between realism and nominalism (ontology) and the other contrast is rationalism and empiricism (scientific methods). In this regard, we can conclude that thinking is unnecessary, or we can illustrate that thinking reproduces the world unchangeable clockwork nemesis. To move on, there are two terms called "conformity and passivity", which we can say the inability is to hear the yet unheard."

Also, I was surprised that the role of culture in society expressed during the class is different from my impression at first. It is said that consciousness such as arts and sciences, based on the dreams and its explanation, metaphysical subjects and astrology, play an essential part in the culture and life of the people's from different ethic groups in modern part of Europe.

There are two key points we have to think in depth, "How can we think change in a culture that is based on regularity and necessity?" and "the concept identifies a gap between the existing and the possible."

Friday 16 September 2016

Theme 3: Research and Theory (first post)

      The Journal of Communication (JOC) is one of the top-ranked journals around the world. The aim of the journal is to publish the articles related to communication theory and research, from all of the latest and emerging research with the fields of communication and media studies. The scope of the journal includes some areas such as social media and social networks, digital communication, media studies and journalism and mass media.

      The Journal of Communication also publishes the scholarship on all aspects of communication studies. The articles published on the journal address critical theoretical and empirical questions related to the field of communication, which are also relevant to experts within and across specializations.

      The article I selected is published on The Journal of Communication, which is the study regarding the effects of message and social cues on selective exposure to political information on social media.
Social media users was found to interact with measure of psychological well-being, which suggests that it might provide greater benefits for users experiencing low self-esteem and low life satisfaction.
The paper examines the theory of explanation, which only addresses the problem of the theory fail to provide the solution on how to solve it.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Theme 1: Theory of knowledge and theory of science (the second post)

The difference between naturalism and scientism is distinct. Scientism is a belief that all the universal belongs to the scientific method, and empirical science rules the approaches to the most viewpoints; also, to constitute the most valuable parts of human being.

The contemporary naturalism consists of ontological and epistemological naturalism. First of all, ontological naturalism, which is also called the metaphysical naturalism, is a "viewpoint that holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles and relations of all kind studied by the natural sciences." Secondly, the naturalistic epistemology explains "an approach to the theory of knowledge that puts great emphasis on the application of methods, results and theories from the empirical sciences."

The scientific revolution is the existence of modern science which develops the great advancement of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry transforming the views of society into nature.

In the text of "Critique of Pure Reason" by Kant, the attempt of the author is to correct the extreme views by assuming the essential arguments for both perception and conception. According to Kant, "Perception without conception, is blind; while conception without perception is empty." Kant intends to put an emphasis on sense-perception.

There are two ways of judgments: synthetic and analytic. On the one hand, synthetic judgment explains that whose predications are thoroughly different from their subjects; in other words, synthetic judgment is informative but is in need of justification to prove the principle. On the other hand, analytic judgment depicts that whose predications are merely explicative and non-contradiction. Hence, synthetic judgments are relatively uncontroversial facts which come to our sensory experience. Analytic judgment will never be proven for there is no need to support the explicative assertion.

Transcendental idealism is divided into four types: formal idealism, critical idealism, skeptical idealism, and empirical idealism.

Time and space are the forms of intuition. There are four forms of intuition categories: quantity (unity, plurality, and totality), quality( reality, negation, and limitation), relation (substance, causality, and community) and modality (possibility, existence and necessity)

Friday 9 September 2016

Theme 2: Critical Media Studies first post

Dialectic of Enlightenment

1. What is "Enlightenment"?
Enlightenment literally means the movement of the late 17 and 18 centuries stressing reason and
individualism. Instead of putting emphasis on the tradition, the Enlightenment was an intellectual
movement about an insight or awakening of the true nature and reality. 

2. What is "Dialectic"?
Dialectic is the art of of investigating the truth of opinions which is also an enquiry to metaphysical contradictions. To put it easily, the dialectic is a discussion between two people seeking the solutions.

3. What is "Nominalism" and why is it an important concept in the text?
The Nominalism is the doctrine explaining that universals are merely names without any existence. Only particular numbers, properties and objects exist around the universal. Having no independent existence, the nominalism argues that objects exist only by names.

4. What is the meaning and function of "myth" in Adorno and Horkheimer's argument?
According the context, Max Horkheimer and Theodore W. Adorno depict that "myth is already enlightenment, and enlightenment reverts to mythology." The historical progression of the enlightenment has converted its original purposes of nature. 

The Work of Art in the Age of Technical Reproductivity

1. In the beginning of the essay, Benjamin talks about the relation between "superstructure" and "substructure" in the capitalist order of production. What does the concepts "superstructure" and "substructure" mean in this context and what is the point of analyzing cultural production from a Marxist perspective?

Superstructure and substructure are two different concepts in the readings. On the one hand, substructure, in other words, is the foundation. On the other hand, superstructure is the transformation of the substructure. Benjamin made a great distinction between the substructure and superstructure. According to Marx, the superstructure governs the substructure which is impossible to change and also unites all the production of the substructure.

2. Culture has revolutionary potentials based on the reading. Some people argue that the viewpoint of culture differs from every points of view while others mention that culture can determine how we see thing by ourself. Benjamin had sought the political transformation of the arts to bring about social changes on cultural revolution.

3. Perception can be both naturally and historically determined. Benjamin mentioned that a change in perception and its effects in the wake of the film and photography and also described how the sense change through human being's entire mode of existence. The way we perceive the visual work of art has its difference and consequences leaves to be determined.  

4. The concept of Aura determines how Benjamin sees things in his viewpoint. Based on the context, Benjamin mentions that "aura" is a 'strange web of space and time" or "a distance as close as it can be." From the context, the aura represents the originality and authenticity of a work itself. Benjamin mentioned the phenomenon of loss of the aura through mechanical production. For instance, a photograph is merely an image while a painting remains the original aura. 

Friday 2 September 2016

Theme 1: Theory of knowledge and theory of science (First Post)

1. At the end of the discussion of the definition "Knowledge is perception", Socrates argues that we do not see and hear "with" the eyes and the eras, but "through" the eyes and the ears. How are we to understand this? And in what way is it correct to say that Socrates argument is directed towards what we in modern terms call "empiricism"?

Socrates and Theaetetus continually discussed and denied the theory of perception. The better way of indicating the theory is not "with" the eyes and ears but "through" the eyes and the ears.  All the things are assemble in one single form which describes as "the mind." Through the sense called the tools, we use our mind to sense everything. Using the mind to determine everything in the universe sounds unrealistic but Socrates argued that it is the exact way to define the things we see and hear. The mind through the senses to determine the existence of fact and contrast and independence among the things. Therefore, we can illustrate that impression determines the knowledge instead of image.

2. In the preface to the second edition of "Critique of Pure Reason" (page B xvi) Kant says: "Thus far is has been assumed that all our cognition must conform to objects. On that presupposition, however, all our attempts to establish something about them a priori, by means of concepts through which our cognition would be expanded, have come to nothing. Let us, therefore, try to find out by experiment whether we shall not make better progress in the problems of metaphysics if we assume that objects must conform to our cognition." How are we to understand this?

From the context, we can understand that there is a huge gap between the true knowledge and the false one. "The true judgment may well be knowledge" saying determines the false judgment as "heterodoxy". Our cognition is collaborated to follow the objects. However, there are some people arguing that our cognition have to be distorted by the false judgment. In order to reach the consensus, the majority of people believe that our cognition is to follow the order in the universe. To solve the problems of objects conforming to our cognition, we have to understand what the "true judgment" means firstly. To distinguish the true judgment and the false one, we have to determine the cognition.