Friday 23 September 2016

Theme 4: Quantitative Research (second post)

Quantitative Research methods depend on numerical measurements which involve asking participants directly using questionnaires, measuring using electronic equipment, and utilizing the observation under controlled conditions. In order to interpret the results, the researchers make user of statistical tests. Take hypothesis testing experiment for instance: firstly, we need to formulate a hypothesis. Secondly, we have to select a sample population for whom to test it. Then carefully design an experiment from which we will gather data; in other words, gather data in another manner like the existing data. After that, we pilot the experiment, as many times as necessary to refine its design for its iterative design process. At last, conduct and analyze the experiment to follow the plan closely.

Be aware of the controlled experiment is the most important part in the quantitative research. There are two methods to do under carefully controlled conditions: we may need to manipulate an independent variable or many results. And we have to observe how dependent variables vary as a result. However, we cannot neglect the fact that measures are often used in combination. While many experiments have a single dependent variable test, in a single statistical test it is much more common that the experiment is more complicated with many independent variables and other dependent ones. Then we conclude the answer that the answer does not depend on the test rather building a logical argument in order to support the several tests.

The function of using the questionnaire have several disciplines:there are numerous tests and experiments to ensure the indeed answer that the question was intended for before a questionnaire is regarded as "valid" in the experimental psychology. The researchers do not just make up their own questionnaires towards answering the hypotheses at hand. Instead, they use the standard ones, which have already been tested before.

We could also summarize that a hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between data sets. This is compared to be an alternative to a null hypothesis, of no relationship between the data sets. Therefore, the comparison is statistically significant if the relationship would be an unlikely realization of the null hypothesis, based on a threshold probability from the significant level. Hypothesis tests are used to determine the outcomes of a study, which leads to a rejection of the null hypothesis for a pre-specified level of significance.


  1. Nice reflection: up to the point. I agree with you in a part where you talk about the variables. It's statistically proven that the usage of too many variables in one experiment leads to the higher mistake risk so that it's recommended to limit the amount of variables in one experiment (or conduct the series of them).

    Nevertheless, I have another opinion about the questionnaires: the tested ones are used in medicine, for example, but for other purposes the researchers can develop their own. For instance, if you want to know whether the subjects have been familiar with the violent media content you can just prepare your own questions. But the data obtained in this way must be straight-forwarded, if the deeper analysis of human behaviour or interpretation is needed, the standardised tests is the only option.

  2. You summarized the theme well. Interesting text on the hypothesis test. I think that a researcher must be are aware of that there are many ways of collecting data. We are getting many suggestions on how to perform tests and research and there are surely better ways than others depending what field we are investigating. But it feels like when we are getting all these opportunities it is up to one self to create something that is valid and trustworthy for that single examination.

  3. I agree with you with a quantitative method its possible to find correlations between variables. The researcher is trying to determine if it’s any relationship between 2 or more variables. It’s used to describe and test relationship with a goal to understand complex phenomena. I would say that the functions of using questionnaires as data collection is to gain knowledge how things are and try to justify why they are just this way. Selected research method should be the most adequate to the type of investigation. Thanks four sharing your thoughts.

  4. Allo,
    I totally agree with what you said in your reflection you also point out one point that I used as well but someone in the comment made me realise of that mistake, so I just share it with you as well. You say that The researchers do not just make up their own questionnaires towards answering the hypotheses at hand. Instead, they use the standard ones, which have already been tested before. which is true in a way but it s also false because they can create their own questionnaires in order to answer their own hypotheses but it is very harder and a longer process which can end up totally wrong at the end so it's not often made but you can't, as I did, exclude totally the possibility to do so.

    very interesting reflection thought ! Thanks

  5. Hello, thank you for your posts on this theme! Great summarizing in the first blog post, I enjoyed your ability to squeeze everything up nice and clear. However, I would have liked to hear also the explanations behind your statements, since now it felt a bit unclear whether the thoughts were your own or "absolute truths" by someone else.

    In the second post I was truly impressed by your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the quantitative method. I got the impression that you have familiarized yourself closely with the topic before, as well. Cross-scientific references to psychology were well-justified and felt relevant for the topic!
