Saturday 29 October 2016

All Comment posts

Theme 1
I really like the way how you interpret the theories from different perspectives, especially you mentioned Kant's interpretation is challenging the traditional way of thinking the world around us. I think it would be more interesting if you can give some examples on this explanation.

I found your interpretation of the concept interesting, and it is easier to understand since you combine the theory with examples and video. Also, you pointed out as a journalist, you disagreed with what "knowledge is perception", for all the statements are backed up by facts. This idea gives me more insight on how to look things from different perspectives. 

I really enjoy reading your interpretation of the theory, which is interesting and propounding. Though it would be much more interesting if you can add more examples on the statement saying that our cognition has to be conformed to objects which may lead us to wrong in understand. 

The interpretation you gave from Kant and Plato's theory is quite intriguing. I agree with the statement you mentioned in the blog " In order to gain the knowledge, we should prove theory and assumption against our observation". Also, you provided other interesting point on how to conform to our cognitive assumption.

I enjoy reading your blog as you provided many examples on how to interpret the theory from different perspectives. Also, you give a clear explanation on the statement "knowledge is earned by experience". Also, nothing is proved until the ideal state remains as the posteriori knowledge.

Honestly, I feel the same confusion after reading these two texts. However, your blog provides a brief introduction on interpreting the theories from different ways which I find it interesting.

Theme 2
I like how you explain that there is no simple or easy explanation on how a theory should be. Also, the way you interpret the the benefits and limitations of the theory give me more propounding insight on how to explain the concept better.

You gave a quite intriguing explanation on the different concepts which I find it interesting. After reading your interpretation on different theories, it makes me understand more on the concept.

I really like your detailed and propounding explanation on different concepts in the blog, especially you mentioned "superstructure" and "substructure" are directly connected to each other, which provides me more idea on this concept.

It is really useful that you give such detailed and insightful explanation on each concept in your blog which gives me more insightful opinions on each theory. Also, you pointed out "myth is one form of knowledge" which I find it interesting.

I enjoy reading your post as you gave such interesting and insightful explanation on how to interpret different concepts. I was quite confused the concept of aura in the text, now I finally get the clear picture of it because of your interpretation.

Theme 3
Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog. You gave such detailed and interesting explanation on interpreting the concepts, especially the statement on explanation and prediction theory (EP).

Hi, thanks for the informative and interesting blog post! I really enjoy reading it and you provided some insightful explanation on the EP theory. Also, the concept of non-theory is quite intriguing as well. I realized that even hypothesis and predictions are not included as a strong theory.

I like how you interpret the concept from different concepts which makes me think of the theory more. It is intriguing that you provide such creative answered to the questions. I really learned a lot from reading your post.

I totally agree with your opening statement "theory has always been a struggle to define". I feel the same way when reading the texts. Your post provides the insightful viewpoints which give me much more understanding on the concept. However, I would love to see how you explain the concept of putting the theory into practice use.

Hi, I really enjoy reading your post. You provided the detailed and well-organized structure of the different concepts. I learned a lot from reading your post, especially the part of giving the explanation of social capital.

Theme 4
Hi! Thanks for the insightful reflection, I really enjoy reading it. The concepts of quantitative and qualitative methods are not easy to understand without having a seminar. Also, you made a clear point here : quantitative method might be objective to collect the data. I would like to know how researchers solve the problem of quantitative methods up to now.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection. I do agree with your point, it's not an easy task to conduct the quantitative method on the research, especially the result can lead to the biased one. However, you did make a good point here: there are some limitations on doing the research and there's ways to improve to reflect on the problem.

Hi, thanks for the amazing reflection, I really enjoy reading it. It is quite interesting that you point out that sometimes it is needed to combine both quantitative and qualitative methods altogether to make the convincing viewpoints. 
Also, I like your idea on reflecting the approaches on how to utilize the qualitative methods, which I learned some inspirations from it.

Thanks for the interesting opinions on it! I really like reading your reflection, which gives me a brief understanding of how the quantitative methods work on the research. I agreed that one thing is essential on conducting the experiment: all the data are collected in the same framework. You mentioned that it is crucial to treat all the participants the same situation otherwise you won't get the valid result. 


Thanks for the interesting reflection, I learned a lot from reading your post. It seems that you put a lot of efforts on explaining the quantitative methods, which give me insightful understanding on this approach on conducting the experiment.
You made an interesting point on the research: why Caucasians specifically are chosen to participate in the experiment? I had the same doubt in the lecture as well. And you gave a reasonable explanation, it's easier to recruit. However, I think the result will be more valid if the researcher can get more participants from different nationalities. 

Theme 5
Hi! I enjoy reading your reflection. It seems that you put lots of effort into structuring the post. Well done!
Also, I have no idea what's the difference between empirical data and design driven research at first as well. 
It's interesting that we discussed the possibility of "replicability" the research. Some people think it's doable while others think the data will change a bit. The teacher at the seminar mentioned that replicability may have been the foundation of research in hard sciences before, but that it isn’t the case anymore. I wonder if people will do a research related to this field in the future.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection. To elaborate on your viewpoints regarding the "ground theory", I think it's the concept related to an inductive methodology. Although many people call "grounded theory" a qualitative method, it is not. It is a general method and also the systematic generation of theory from systematic research. It is a set of rigorous research procedures leading to the emergence of conceptual categories. 

Hi, thanks for the interesting and informative reflection. I enjoy reading it a lot. 
You made a point that design research is not a supportive element; instead, it's the essense of a research. I agreed that what you mentioned replicability without resulting in new knowledge is sheer meaningless.

Thanks for the interesting reflection! I agreed with your point on whether practical design work in itself can be viewed as a knowledge contribution, the chances are possible to produce. However, the teacher mentioned that the result of the design oriented research can be a tricky problem, which is not a subjective result. How to improve the performance of the research remains an issue to solve it.

Hi, thanks for the interesting reflection! To elaborate on your thoughts on the opposite of the empirical data, I personally believe empirical evidence is a provable fact that shows unquestionable results. It is also the observable proof that knowledge was gained by data, rather than hypothesis, or conjecture. 
On the other hand, the opposite of empirical are indeed more like hypothetical, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unobserved data to collect. Anecdotal evidence is evidence that is usually a generalization or is not able to be proven.

Theme 6
Hi, thanks for the informative post! It's quite interesting to know you bring up the topic of social desirability bias, I personally think social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes a type of response bias that is the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others. Also, it can take the from of over-reporting "good behavior" or under-reporting "bad", or undesirable behavior. However, people often report inaccurately on sensitive topic in order to present themselves in the possible results. The reason can due to both self-deception and other-deception.

Hi, thanks for the interesting post! I agreed that to clarify the definition is not an easy task, either. You mentioned that a case study is more like a research focusing on the deeper knowledge. However, I do think that a case study is more like a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Also, researchers collect data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of record, and collections of writing samples.

Hi, thanks for the thoughtful and interesting post! Your viewpoint on the post conveys the interesting idea on "case study", which I find it intriguing, especially you explains the terminologies regarding multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. However, I think that a transdisciplinary approach is recommended for all early intervention and support services to service delivery, which moves instruction beyond just blending disciplines. This approach links concepts and skills through a real-world perspective.

Hi, thanks for the informative post! I like your explanation of case study which gives some in-depth knowledge perspective related to some key themes. Indeed, case study is more like a research approach that is used to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-life context. It is an established research design that is used extensively in a wide variety of disciplines, particularly in the social sciences.

Hi, thanks for the informative post and nice summary of the theme. I found it difficult to explain the definition of "case study" in a few words. However, you explained the definition in a clear and easy way to understand, well done! However, I also think that a case study is more related to research strategy entailing. Although case study methods remain a controversial approach to data collection, they are widely recognized in many social science studies such as the in-depth explanations of a social behavior.

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